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Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Most Random Post in the Entire World

I couldn't think of anything to post so I will just post some random thoughts.

1. I have seen one chick flick since Ben returned and it's Definitely/Maybe. I think definitely maybe this movie kind of sucked.

2. There are some beauty shops in Macon and Warner Robins Georgia that have some very interesting names. Which one do you like the best?
Shhhh....It's a Wig
Bobbin' and Weavin
Ain't Nuthin but a Hair Thang

3. Ben and I went to the grocery store on Monday in my Blazer. The back of the car has the rear hatch that swings up and down when you open and close it. I thought Ben was out of the way so I put most of my weight into closing the door when all of a sudden I hear "BONG." I look over and see Ben, with his hands full of groceries, ducked backwards and almost fell from the impact. I had pulled the rear hatch down and the edge caught him right on the head. Ben has this thing with being hit in the head and he thinks that is the most embarrassing thing that could happen to anyone. I was like "Are you ok!!???? Oh my gosh!!!??" And all Ben could say was "Be quite and go in the house!" It hurt him but he wasn't mad and said it really wasn't that bad. I felt terrible but for some reason I couldn't stop laughing!! I really didn't think the act of hitting him in the head was funny, I really felt terrible but for some reason I couldn't stop giggling. I think it has something to do with my sick sense of humor when someone falls. Hurt=Funny...

4. If you click on the right side of the blog on Taylor and Heather, you will find Taylor's latest post about how his patients think he isn't old enough to be a doctor and how he has dealt with this his entire adult life (braces in college weren't helping the situation but that's a different story). Loyal reader Heather S. and my loyal reader/sister Heather T. have provided a picture that proves Taylor hasn't always looked young his adult life.


Anonymous said...

AWESOME!!!! Thank you Holly and Heather T. for posting the picture of Taylor. What baby face?!?!?

Okay, I have to say all of your falling stories/hitting Ben in the head make me laugh. It also makes me think of the time Heather told me the story about you falling out of the car. It is so tragic, but at the same time I laughed hysterically about it, and still chuckle when I think about it. Please, forgive me.

Heather S.

Sam said...

Sometimes random blogs are great! I think boys are always kind of embarassed when they get hurt by girls. If I accidently poke Taylor in the eye or something you would think that I stabbed him with a butcher knife, he makes such a fuss. Sorry about your head though, Ben.

heatherw said...

THe hat and beard totally help, he looks way old