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Thursday, January 8, 2009

He's a Little Bit Country, She's a Little Bit...'Hood?

The older my mom gets, the funnier she gets. I have offically heard the funniest lines ever spoken by a 60-something year old W.A.S.P and they come from the mouth of my mother. If you know her, seen her, ever heard her voice you would understand why the following strikes me as funny.
1. Ben drove my mom's car by himself one time. My mom then uses the car and when she returns home she says to us: "Who ghetto styled my car?" I looked at Ben confused as to what she meant and Ben says "I leaned her seat back kind of far." Who would have thought she knew that car seats leaned way back is, in fact, pretty ghetto?

2. A couple of days ago, my mom left a message on our home answering machine. The message stated the following: (In thick Texas accent) "hey yaaa'lll. Just callin' to say hiiii! Just wanted to tawlk so when you get this message, holla at me." Ben looks at me, smiling, and says "Did she just say 'holla at me?'

I am not exactly sure where she is getting this but I have an idea. My mom goes to the prison every week where she volunteers with the chaplain and also has inmates she visits and will talk to for an hour a week and write to encourage them. The inmates are new Christians so she talks to them about God and other Bible related topics. But, they are still inmates so I think they are starting to rub off on her. That's my only explanation.

So, in short, my dad dresses like this.

And my mom speaks like a 20 year old black man

I must say, I love it.


Sam said...

"Holla at me"? Nice. I love your dad's suspenders with the short pants!

Sam said...

Holly, in regards to the BRCA test. I think there are quite a few doctors doing the test now. You can just ask about it at your annual. It is a blood test, although some doctors will be able to start doing a saliva based test soon. My mom is going to have the test at her annual this year and depending on the results, I might have it too.

Sam said...

I can't believe it has been three years! Awesome! In answer to your BRCA question, for insurance to cover it you usually need at least two relatives with either breast or ovarian cancer. You can also have one relative with both. Plus, the insurance companies like it if you have more than one relative who had breast cancer premenopause. Ovarian cancer it doesn't matter, but breast cancer they prefer premenopause since this puts you are more risk of testing positive for the gene. I suppose anyone can really get it but the test is about $3000 by itself without help from insurance.

Laura said...

I must say, you got quite a few laughs out of me from your blog page...I think you should teach your mom to say: "For Shnizzle". That would be a hoot to hear her say. She might even impress some of "the guys" with her new lingo.

Sam said...

Hey, are you ever going to post again or what? I miss reading your funny stories!