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Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Mis-Adventures of Penelope Grant

Greetings! It's been awhile since I last posted so I thought I would greet you with a beautiful beach, my cute little toe-headed nephew and me of course!

Can I just say how disappointed and hurt I am that my previous post only received two comments. That is an all time record low for "Macon Fun of the Grants." I have always prided myself with having the most loyal readers but I feel you have all failed me, except for Sam and I guess Taylor even though his post was somewhat rude and condescending. The rest of you can suck it.

So, I was sitting here trying to think of something to write about and decided to google "good blog topics." Up came websites that list "interesting" topics for your blogs. Maybe the problem is that I'm not interesting therefore these topics bored the crap out me so I will just let you be the judge.
Here are a few samples of some "interesting" blog topics:
1. Ask your loyal readers to email you links to their best resources and make a post about what you found.

My "loyal readers" have serious issues with commenting so this would never work for me...

2. Make a post that involves New York City, London, San Francisco or Sydney


3. Create a post that utilizes a bar chart or pie chart.

Ok, seriously. Huhh...????

4. Create a post that incorporates the words, “desperate” and “futile”.

Hmmm, I think I could do that.

5. Make a post turning a negative into a positive through humor ( e.g., tell a joke: “My parents tell me I’m autistic. I tell them they have an attitude problem.”).

My personal favorite, however, I don't think I could ever be as funny as this zainy one liner!

Ok... what now. Oh! Here is the latest update featuring our favorite little kitty, Penelope. To catch you up or just remind you, Penelope has torn up our carpet to the point that we have had to put packaging tape under all the doors and on the seams where the carpet meets the tile. She has diarrhea-ed all over our floors and walls for 5 days straight. Nurses on our faces at night. Spilled water all over my new keyboard and broke it. Well, I have something else to add to this list.
Exhibit A:

I woke up and walked into the living room without my glasses or contacts on so I wasn't quite sure what I was looking at (I'm seriously blind without some sort of corrective lenses) but I thought it must be shredded carpet. All I could see were spots on the carpet and tile. I screamed out of fear of the bald spot in the carpet I knew I was about to see...

I then kneel down a good 2 inches from the carpet so I could get a good look and feel very confused as to what I was seeing. "Are those...feathers?" I ask aloud. I then look up and see a black spot on the tile, under the oven. I run back to my bedroom to get my glasses and run back out to the kitchen and I scream!! It's a freakin half eaten bird lying on my newly mopped kitchen floor. I stand there wondering what I am supposed to do??! I call Ben but he is in class and doesn't answer. I then call my mom and yell in the phone that I have a dead bird who obviously had a struggle in my living room and kitchen considering her feathers were everywhere! My mom told me to pick up the bird and put it in a sack. I asked "How am I supposed to get the bird in the sack?" Mom says "You pick it up by the foot and put in the sack. What kind of question is that, how do I put it in the sack?" She then asked "Who do you think did this?" Oh, I don't THINK I know who did this. I KNOW who did this. Fitz has never, in the 7 years as my child, killed any living creature. True, he is 17 pounds on a good day and I think Ben could probably out run him in a contest but I still don't think he would ever lower himself to eat something dead. I will say, as I was cleaning up Penelope's trophy I saw a glimmer of respect from Fitz towards Penelope. He seemed almost proud of her and even allowed her on the counter near his food without hissing even once. In all honesty, I was kind of disappointed in his attitude but that's another story. I just thought I raised him better then that... Oh, and I didn't touch that nasty bird. I got a piece of paper and swept into the Kroger sack. Penelope then jumped in the sack with the bird as it was lying on the floor as I swept up the feathers. She is so ghetto it's not even funny.

The proud older brother. He even let her sleep with him in his chair.

Tired after her kill. It's hard to be a gangsta...

One more thing. I don't think this could be re-created if you tried 100 times. This is a fly that was killed by the closet door being shut. So weird.


Sam said...

I almost choked on my oatmeal, I was laughing so hard when I read about Penelope's kill! We used to have a cat that would bring little bird and mice trophies to the back door as an offering to my mother. He was nice enough not to bring them into the house and drag them around the floor. Yuck! Sorry about that trauma, but you gotta give Penelope props, good work, P-Lope! Also, what is with those blog entry suggestions. I have googled that before and come up with similar suggestions. It is not often that you can use a bar graph, I will try to come up with a use for it in my next blog entry. Sorry that your comments were few last blog, I thought it was great. I think everyone has been a little anti-blogging lately.

Anonymous said...

HOLLY WATTS!!!! Oh my goodness..I have searched for you EVERYWHERE!! Alison told me you had gotten married but she didnt have an email address for you at the time. It is a long story as to how I found your blog site. Email me ASAP!!!

Jacy (Cypert) West

DavidG said...

I read with great amusement until I got to the part where you seem to think it in bad taste for Penelope to eat dead things. You say, and I quote: "...I still don't think he [Fitz] would ever lower himself to eat something dead." Well I never! Is this what you think of others that eat dead things. I've personally witnessed you eat a steak one time, and chicken on numerous times, all of which I am quite certain were dead. So, what's up? Have you become a livetarian, or something? ;)

Holly Grant said...

To clarify, I have never eaten any meat that still had it's feathers intact and had never hit the frying pan. Raw bird with the heart danglin' might be served up at that Viatnamese restaurant you love so much but for me and Fitz, no thanks...

DavidG said...

Naw, not at the Vietnamese place. Raw heart's a Japanese delicacy. Good for the...uh...well it's just supposed to be good...according to Andrew Zimern.

heatherw said...

I feel your pain on the bird killing! Our cat, Pumpkin Batman, is now killing squriels, either that or our front yard is where squriels come to die.