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Thursday, March 12, 2009

An Update: Random and Kind of All Over the Place but an Update None the Less.

Two more weeks until I move back to Texas. I am excited yet sad at the same time. We will miss LeRoy and our friends but look forward to living near family and moving into our new house. We finally closed on our house in Georgia after two months of setting closing dates only to have the buyers lender not send the money. Apparently, lenders don't have money to lend in this economy so they lie and say it's been sent, never to be received by anyone! Idiots.

Anyway, it snowed in Georgia which was HUGE news.
It was 75 degrees on Saturday. We went to the park near our apartment.

Sunday, it was snowing. It was so pretty!

Fitz and Penelope have become best friends. They are so cute!

Penelope hogging the bed. By the way, my pillow case isn't tie dye. It's been totally bleached from my acne medication. Piece of crap.

Valentine's Day
Ben and I spent Valentine's Day with LeRoy. Ben and LeRoy decided that the Golden Corral, which just opened a new location in Warner Robins, would be a good place to eat. I wasn't excited about the idea but the minute I walked in and saw rows and rows of fried chicken and every kind of dessert you could imagine, I got into the idea. However, after a mad dash to the grill for some prime rib, I got some nasty food on my pants, hence the gray sweat pants I am wearing. I asked LeRoy if I could borrow some pants, preferably with an elastic waist band. He came through. We then went back to LeRoy's house and played Chicken Foot with the dominoes.

We took a short break to take a picture.

I took this opportunity to turn my losing streak into a winning streak by taking a little peak at Ben's cards.

Lily sitting next to the heater I have to use at LeRoy's house and Eleanor in my lap. LeRoy keeps his house SOOO cold. Good thing I was wearing sweat pants.

Ben won. LeRoy lost. Ben isn't a very humble winner.

After a few shots of crown and a Miller Lite chaser, they were friends again.

LeRoy pretending to be from Texas.

I showed him how it's really done.

All the girls in my lap. Watch your heels, they can be one mean pack of chihuahuas.

Next Post: Vinyls in Atlanta where we saw Lisa Hannigan (that girl who sings with Damien Rice) with Tucker and Erika and our St. Patrick's celebration trip to Savannah with Seth and Amy coming up this weekend.


Sam said...

I love that your cats are best buddies, so cute! I totally understand about the bed hogging cats, last night I literally had to push Moe out of the middle of the bed because I was sleeping on the edge. It is amazing how much room they can take up. I wrote you a comment back on my blog if you want to check it out. Also, nice Valentines at Golden Corral! I really like the cheesiness of Valentine's Day. Taylor gets me a balloon and chocolates every year.I love it! Glad you are coming back to Tejas soon!

Holly Grant said...

I usually cook a big meal for us on V-Day but since we don't have any kitchen stuff and about 6 inches of counter space the Golden Corral seemed like as good an idea as any!!

Sam said...

We will totally be at the grad party!

heatherw said...

I love the cat pictures and I can tell Leroy is an awesome guy! You guys must have too much fun